The Nature of Things 101
1. Why we wipe - can we do better than toilet paper?
March 29th, 2024. | 13 min
Why do we wipe out butts? Sarika and Anthony unravel the surprising facts about toilet paper. Is it really the best we can do?
3. Who has the strongest hair?
March 29th, 2024. | 11 min
What exactly is hair and how can we make it stronger? Anthony and Sarika put their own hair to the test to see who has the strongest hair.
5. Can anyone learn to impersonate an accent?
March 29th, 2024. | 10 min
Perfecting a different accent is challenging. Anthony and Sarika discover the science behind impersonating accents — by trying it out themselves.
7. Why do we hate the sound of our own voice?
March 29th, 2024. | 10 min
We all cringe when we hear the sound of our own voice played back to us. Sarika and Anthony listen in on the science of this universal phenomenon.
2. Do we actually know what dinosaurs looked like?
March 29th, 2024. | 14 min
Dinosaurs: how do we know they looked like that? Anthony and Sarika bone up on the science behind paleoart and learn how to draw their own dino based on a fossil.
4. Sawing stuff with shark teeth.
March 29th, 2024. | 10 min
Anthony and Sarika explore the diversity of shark teeth — by attaching them to a saw and cutting stuff … FOR SCIENCE!
6. The coolest fish you've probably never heard of.
March 29th, 2024. | 13 min
Sarika tries to convince Anthony why the plainfin midshipman (a fish you’ve probably never heard of) is perhaps the coolest fish in the world.
8. Do animals use names for each other?
August 29th, 2024. | 4 min 10 s
Your dog knows its own name right? Well, not necessarily. Anthony and Sarika unpack the science of names when it comes to animals.
March 27, 2024 | 18 min
Cats are the most popular pet in Canada, but despite their cute and cuddly reputations, our feline friends have a dark side.